Welcome, new members! Please take the following steps to activate your membership with the WSA.

Step 1:  Complete the Online New Membership Form below and press Submit.

Clear Signature
To sign, use finger on mobile devices or hold down cursor and drag mouse on desktops or laptops. Press the "x" button on top right to clear signature and start over.

Step 2:  Use a PayPal button below to pay your membership dues.

Use a PayPal button below to pay your $51.25 membership fee for “Exhibiting Members”  or $20.91 membership fee for “Associate Members.” (Note:  The amount due includes a PayPal processing fee.)

PayPal Exhibiting Member Dues

PayPal Associate Member Dues

If you would prefer to send a check, 

  1. Write a check for a $50 membership fee for “Exhibiting Members” or a $20 membership fee for “Associate Members.” Please make the check payable to “WSA, Inc.” or “Wellesley Society of Artists, Inc.” 
  2. Mail the check to: Wellesley Society of Artists (WSA), P.O. Box 812148, Wellesley, MA 02482

Please retain Paypal receipt or cancelled check for tax purposes