Jacqueline Davis

Scarsdale, New York


Jacqueline paints joyful, contemporary artworks in oils. Her works are all connected by a deep appreciation of the beauty of the world. Design and composition are important components in the work. Jacqueline collects vintage and handmade glass and ceramics which sometimes feature in the pieces. She loves beautiful, bohemian, slightly imperfect things that have their own story to tell. Jacqueline loves to share her painting process and her love of art history.

Originally from England, Jacqueline studied Design for Communications Media (BA HONS) and Teaching (PGCE) in Manchester. She has worked in numerous artistic fields: firstly in Graphic Design; she then led a High School Design and Technology department for several years and then ran a small ceramics business. Finally she settled into oil painting about 10 years ago and she now paints full time and lives in New York State.


Contact Info:

Jacqueline Davis


IG @jacqueline.davis.art