What is CowParade? A public art event for people of all ages and backgrounds, featuring life-size cow sculptures, which are painted and transformed by local artists, displayed in pastures throughout cities for residents and tourists to visit, and sold for the benefit of local nonprofit organizations.CowParade New England presented by Herb Chambers includes 75 life-size cows, designed by a range of artists throughout New England, to high trafficked landmarks throughout Greater Boston to celebrate 75 years of progress and impact made possible by the Jimmy Fund community. All proceeds directly benefit Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s efforts to defy cancer.
WSA member, Lori Mehta (pictured above) is one of the participating artists. Lori’s cow, “Undercover Cow” stands proudly in front of the Copley Society of Art on Newbury Street. Congratulations Lori on this stunning work of art. “Undercover Cow” has already SOLD!
Don’t Miss the Cow Parade!